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The David Layton Memorial Show 
Easter Sunday, 10th April 2023

Judge: Mrs Siobhan Peebles

BIS SH CH: Winterwell Maida Stone

RBIS/BOS: Winterwell Lulu Moppet to Ladyhawke JW

Best Puppy in Show: Pinseeker Pep Guardiola

Reserve Best Puppy in Show: Goosepoint Zsazsa Gabor

Best Veteran in Show SH CH Fayemm Remember Me

MPD (3)

1st  Thorscrag Hades

2nd Kilnrae Richmond

Puppy Dog (7,1a)

1st Pinseeker Pep Guardiola

2nd Thorscrag Hades

3rd Fraulynsway Lightning Bolt

Res Orchidstar Themisto By Balvenie

VHC Kilnrae Richmond

Junior Dog (4,1a)

1st Winterwell Iggy Inch

2nd Keigame Hvitserk Of Sparkenhoe

3rd Fraulynzway Lightning Bolt

Novice Dog (3,1a)

1st Evagrove Exclusive

2nd Fredrich Von Trapp

Post Graduate Dog (3,1a)

1st Fraulynzway Lightning Bolt

2nd Ceilloch Russian

Limit Dog (6,1a)

1st Taftazini Aiden Abbett

2nd Barleyarch Hoopla at Forestpoint

3rd Kilnrae Berliner

Res Booten Provence

VHC Ceilloch The Show Must Go On


Open Dog (9,1a)

1st SH CH Winterwell Maida Stone

2nd SH CH Quintana Diamond Dust At Friarsbelle

3rd Jhebron’s Jeno via Elfrindew

Res  SH CH Valger Ragnar JW

VHC Orchidstar Bolts Of Speed

Veteran Dog (4, 1a)

1st Zarozinia Beinn An Oir ShCM

2nd SH CH Barleyarch Ariat

3rd SH CH Bryburn Bacchus JW ShCM ShCEx

Field Trial Dog (2)

1st CH Goosepoint Gloster Grebe (AI) JW

2nd  Goosepoint Waddington at Abbanash (AI) JW

Minor Puppy Bitch (2)

1st Keigame Hearts Desire of Sparkenhoe (AI)

2nd Newtonbriar Moment in Time

Puppy Bitch (2)

1st Goosepoint Zsazsa Gabor

2nd Newtonbriar Moment in Time

Junior Bitch (4)

1st Winterwell Lulu Moppet to Ladyhawke JW

2nd Jomeel Olivia’s Choice

3rd Goosepoint Gitta Geynes

Res Sperant Chocolate Cosmos JW

Novice Bitch (4,1a)

1st Jomeel Olivia’s Choice

2nd FaIrcastle Electra

3rd Aytee Nualla

Post Graduate Bitch (12,2a)

1st Yockletts Hambledon

2nd Quintana Lunar Eclipse

3rd Cushatlaw Athena JW

Res Keigame Signe

VHC Sperant Pamplemousse

Limit Bitch (10,1a)

1st Fayemm Treacle Tart With Winterwell JW (AI)

2nd Winterwell Thatlldo For Desjiem

3rd Ankerwyke Silk Stockings

Res Goosepoint Gambler

VHC Allezweck Edessa

Open Bitch (9,2a)

1st Archerpoint Sea The Stara At Redmires

2nd Winterwell Stoney Trail

3rd Fayemm Forever Together

Res Jomeel Naughtylicious

VHC Grenetrest Tulip

Veteran Bitch (2)

1st Fayemm Remember Me

2nd Quintana Cloud Berry

Field Trial Bitch (3)

1st Quintana Lunar Eclipse

2nd Quintana Cloud Berry

3rd Quintana Qin Qiao