Minor Puppy Bitch (9.2a)
1st Kazanpaul Prawn Cracker (Mrs K Whitehouse) Best Puppy Bitch
2nd Valger Symphony (Mr J R & Mrs V Mann)
3rd Kacela Sweet Hadiya (Mr P K & Mrs B C Rumney)
Res Navigareamor Spring Tide (Mr M H & Col S L E L Jackman & Jackman MBE TD)
VHC Orchidstar Two To Tango (Mrs Z M Sielski)
Puppy Bitch (7)
1st Kazanpaul Prawn Cracker (Mrs K Whitehouse)
2nd Redic Shiraz (Mr W, Mrs A J & Miss M L Hallam)
3rd Balvenie Eye Candy (Mrs Schoneville)
Res Valger Symphony (Mr J R & Mrs V Mann)
VHC Kacela Sweet Hadiya (Mr P K & Mrs B C Rumney)
Junior Bitch (5)
1st Winterwell Thatlldo For Desjiem (Ms A & Mr C Brown & Filby)
2nd Graygees Tsarine (Mrs S A Edlin)
3rd Balvenie Eye Candy (Mrs Schoneville)
Res Keigame Nell Gwyn at Cwngiedd (Mr D James)
VHC Aytee Octavia (Mrs E R & Mr J Trocki)
Yearling Bitch (3)
1st Dappledele First Date at Bryburn (MR B B & Mrs F V Thurm)
2nd Solwaypoint Georgia at Mannlicher (Ms K Joy)
3rd Aytee Octavia (Mrs E R & Mr J Trocki)
Post Grad Bitch (13)
1st Barleyarch Pakora (Mrs S Harris)
2nd Seasham Hot Love (Hammond)
3rd Fayemm Forever Together (Mr E & Mrs L Lockett)
Res Jomeel Now I’m Here (Staley)
VHC Braneath Ptarmigan (Prof T R Desombre)
Limit Bitch (9,1a)
1st Seasham I Love to Boogie (Hammond) RCC
2nd Radstorm Legal Eagle at Barkersdream JW (Mrs J & Mr C Barker)
3rd Winterwell Stoney Trail ( Mrs L S & Mrs A Trow & Jowsey)
Res Orchidstar Jenga (Mrs Z M Sielski)
VHC Quintana Qin Qiao (Mrs M Nixon)
Open Bitch (7,1a)
1st SH CH Kacela Sweet Ayana (Mr P K & Mrs B C Rumney)
2nd Barleyarch Dorito at Tequesta JW ( Mrs D Elrington)
3rd Ladyhawke Dizzy Miss Lizzy (Mrs W A Pearson)
Res Newlands Pass to Montalba (Mrs V E & Miss E F Brown)
VHC Fayemm Remember Me (Mr E & Mrs L Lockett)
Veteran Bitch (2)
1st SH CH Cushatlaw Irresistable JW ShCm ( Mrs P Cox)
2nd Jolicoem Jevington of Whinchat (Mrs V S A Prior)
Special Veteran Bitch (2)
1st SH CH Valger Odette VW (MR B B & Mrs F V Thurm) BVIS
2nd INT SH CH/LUX CH/NL CH/DT CH(VDH)/IR SH CH Pitwit Leeona (Mrs N &Miss S Coe & Pitman)
Field Trial Bitch (2)
1st CH Yockletts Cordiale JW (Mrs J Izard) CC, BOS, Best FT
2nd Quintana Qin Qiao (Mrs M Nixon)
Good Citizens Dog Scheme Bitch (2)
1st Balvenie Dressed to Thrill Via Navigareamor (Mr M H & Col S L E L Jackman & Jackman MBE TD)
2nd Barkersdream Who Dares Wins (Mrs J & Mr C Barker)
Minor Puppy Dog (4)
1st Valger Snow Patrol at Iminez (Mrs G Harvey) BP, BPIS
2nd Sparkenhoe Kith and Kin (C Mann)
Puppy Dog (4)
1st Valger Snow Patrol at Iminez (Mrs G Harvey)
2nd Montalba Mister Teatime (Mrs V E & Miss E F Brown)
3rd Kilnrae Berliner (Mrs K M Marsh)
Res Mathams Clynelish (Mr R W G & Mrs L H Steel)
Junior Dog (3)
1st Orchidstar Bolts of Speed (Mrs Z M Sielski)
2nd Ceilloch Russian (Mrs D & Mr S Hill)
3rd Winterwell Eeh By Gum with Garwin (Ms F & Mr P J Garget & Morris)
Yearling Dog (5,1a)
1st Barleyarch Hoopla at Forestpoint (Mr P & Mrs L E Collins)
2nd Seasham the Groover (Mr & Mrs Peebles)
3rd Brocks Bouncer at Nuash (Miss N J Hamlin)
Res Aytee Nostrodamus (Miss P C Claydon)
Post Grad Dog (2)
1st Balvenie Double Diamond (Mrs Schoneville)
2nd Indijazz Designer Genes (Mrs E M Stedman)
Limit Dog (7,1a)
1st Winterwell Maida Stone (Mr D E & Mr G Smith & Reardon)
2nd Elfrindew Endrick To Valger (Mr J R & Mrs V Mann)
3rd Wilholme Had A Lovely Time with Bessalone (Mrs S, Miss S &Miss I Knowles & Glen)
Res Fayemm Meet the Stars (Miss L A Pocock)
VHC Taftazini Aiden Abbet (Miss V M Pingault)
Open Dog (7)
1st Graygees Gigolo JW SGWC (Mr & Mrs G & G Brown) DCC, BIS
2nd Orchidstar Bonds of Speed (Mrs Z M Sielski) RCC, RBIS
3rd SH CH Barleyarch Pringle (Mrs S Harris)
Res SH CH Bryburn Bacchus JW ShCm (MR B B & Mrs F V Thurm)
VHC Jomeel Monkey Wrench (Staley)
Veteran Dog (2)
1st Know No Bounds at Nuash (Miss N J Hamlin)
2nd SH CH Winterwell Fowl Play (Mr D E & Mr G Smith & Reardon)
Special Veteran Dog (1, 1A)
Field Trial dog (1)
1st Water Germander over Borderpoint (Mr R W G & Mrs L H Steel)
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog (1)
1st Easesprings Oberon at Nuash (Miss N J Hamlin)
2nd Indijazz Designer Genes (Mrs E M Stedman)